RSVP To Class


Saturday WOD

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-Start with 100 Double-Unders-

30 Toes 2 Bar

40 Front Rack Lunges (83/125)

50 Wallballs (14/20 @ 9/10ft)

40 Front Rack Lunges (83/125)

30 Toes 2 Bar

-End with 100 Double-Unders-

*20 minute cut-off*

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Happy Veterans Day!!!

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About Armistice – Veterans Day WOD
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War. This Armistice Day was later re-named to Veterans Day.

At exactly 11 a.m., each November 11th, a color guard, made up of members from each of the military branches, renders honors to America’s war dead during a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery.

– The 11-based rep scheme represents the rich history of Veterans Day.
– The two-minutes of rest/reflection represents this moment of silence at the tomb of the unknowns.
– The 1st round of work represents Veterans of wars past, and the 2nd round of work represents Veterans of present and future wars
– Modified versions of classic military exercises are meant to help connect Veterans and the greater community to connect after the accomplishment of shared hardship during this WOD.
*Courtesy of*



AMRAP X 9 minutes

100m Sprint

11 Sit-ups

11 Air Squats

100m Sprint

22 Sit-ups

22 Air Squats

100m Sprint

33 Sit-ups

33 Air Squats

*Start each round with 100m sprint, add 11 Sit-ups and Air Squats each Round*

-Rest 2 minutes-

AMRAP X 9 minutes

100m Sprint

11 Push-ups

11 Box Jumps (20/24)

100m Sprint

22 Push-ups

22 Box Jumps (20/24)

100m Sprint

33 Push-ups

33 Box Jumps (20/24)

*add 11 to the Push-ups and Box Jumps each round*

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Monday WOD

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EMOTM X 6 minutes, AMRAP Hang Cleans on 7th minute, AMRAP Deadlifts on the 8th minute

Barbell Complex

3 Deadlifts

2 Hang Cleans

1 Jerk

5 Rounds

8 Front Squats (103/155)

10 Handstand Push-ups

*10 minute cut-off*

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I don’t want to do this at all guys but I woke up not doing so hot today. I think it might be the stomach flu. I don’t want to get any of you sick and I wouldn’t be much help anyway if I was there so I’m gonna have to cancel the 9, 10, and 12. 330 is on stand by, I will let you know at some point today. Sorry for any inconvenience!

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Friday WOD

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EMOTM X 8 minutes

Barbell Complex

1 Power Clean

1 Hang Squat Clean

2 Jerks

“Fran” or “Heavy Fran”


Thrusters (63/95)




Thrusters (93/135)

Chest to Bar Pull-ups

*This should be a pretty quick metcon today, sub 10 minutes for sure. If you’ve already done Fran at Rx weight and have a sub 5 or 6 minute time or you just want a challenge, do heavy Fran, if you haven’t done Fran at Rx weight and you are capable give it a shot, if you don’t think you can do Fran with the Rx weight then scale the weight back to something you can do. This is a benchmark so make sure you make note of this time because you might see this again down the road and it’ll be a good gauge of your progress.*

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