
Monday WOD

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EMOTM X 6 minutes

2 Squat Cleans every 30 seconds

*Squat Cleans do not have to be unbroken but there must be 2 done every 30 seconds*



Wallballs (14/20 @ 9/10ft)

Overhead Lunges (73/115)

Kettlebell Swings (55/70)

*12 minute cut-off*

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Christmas Eve WOD

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5:15 am,9:00,10:00 and 12:00

12 days of Christmas CF 350 style: singing is encouraged- dancing is discouraged?

On the first day :  1 muscle up ( if u can’t muscle up- one squat snatch (63/95)

On the second day: 2 OAA DB snatches (55/70)

On the third day: 3 Thrusters (63/95)

On the 4th day: 4 HSPU’s

On the 5th day: 5 Bbbboooxxxx Jjjuummmps (sing it) (24/30)

On the 6th day: 6 Kipping pull ups

On the 7th day: 7 Hang cleans (63/95)

On the 8th day: 8 front rack lunges (63/95)

On the 9th day: 9 T2B

On the 10th day: 10 Back rack squatting (63/95)

On the 11th day: 11 KB swinging (55/70)

On the 12th day: 12 Burpee bar jumping
Happy Holidays!!!

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Wednesday WOD

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EMOTM X 10 minutes

Odd- 6 Below Depth Handstand Push-ups

Even- Max Strict Pull-Ups

*Make the HSPU as difficult as you can. You are to do as many strict pull-ups as you can in 1 unbroken set*


3 Rounds

15 Deadlifts (173/255)

15 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/55)

25 Push-ups

*12 minute cut-off*

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Tuesday WOD

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AMRAP X 10 minutes

10 Back Squats (93/135)

20 Box Jumps (24/30)

-Rest 2 minutes-

AMRAP X 10 minutes

5 Squat Snatch (93/135)

50 Double-Unders

-Rest 1 minute-

AMRAP X 2 minutes

Air Squats

*You will have 3 Scores for this WOD. Rounds and reps for the first AMRAP, at least 4 to Rx. Rounds and reps for the second AMRAP, at least 5 to Rx. And then total air squats completed in the last AMRAP.*

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Monday WOD

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5 Sets of:

30 second Handstamd Hold

5 Push-Press

*Work up to a heavy weight you think you can complete 5 unbroken push-press after a 30 second handstand. Rest as need between sets, you may increase weight across those sets.*


9 minute ladder

1 Squat Clean (123/185)

2 Pistols

3 Toes to Bar

*At least through 5 Rounds (15 Toes 2 Bar) to Rx*

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Wednesday WOD

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EMOTM X 10 minutes

Odd- 8 Strict Ring Dips OR a 30 second static hold locked out on rings

Even- 8 Atomic Abs


AMRAP X 10 minutes

5 Shoulder to Overhead (93/135)

10 Front Rack Lunges (93/135)

50 Double-Unders

*At least 5 rounds to Rx*

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