Thursday WOD
20-15-10-5 *
Back Rack Lunges (93/135)
Handstand Push-ups
-Rest 1 minute-
End With…
AMRAP X 3 Minutes
Hanging Knee Raises
*You must complete 10 Kettlebell Swings (55/70) after EACH movement, so your rounds will go like this:
Rd 1- 20 B Rack L, 10 KBS, 20 HSPU, 10 KBS
Rd 2- 15 B Rack L, 10 KBS, 15 HSPU, 10 KBS
Rd 3- 10 B Rack L, 10 KBS, 10 HSPU… And continue this until all reps are complete. Once you complete the 20-15-10-5 rep scheme you will rest 1 minute then complete the AMRAP. Score will be time completed the 20-15-10-5 and reps completed on HKR. 15 minutes and at least 75 HKR to Rx.*
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