
Friday 9/2/16 WOD

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Every 1:30 X 5 Rounds, on the 6th round do a max set

4 Overhead Squats

*Find a challenging weight and stay there throughout, the max set is doing as many reps as you can at one time.*


3 Sets of-

AMRAP X 3 minutes

3 Power Cleans (95/135)

3 Front Squats (95/135)

4 OAA Dumbbell Snatch (55/70)

-Rest 1 minute-

*Only full rounds and 1/3 rounds count towards your score. At least 15 Rounds to Rx.*

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Friday 8/26/16 WOD

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EMOTM X 10 minutes

Odd- 6 Strict Handstand Push-ups or 3 Ring HSPU’s

Even- 6 Weighted Ring Dips


4 Rounds

12 Box Jumps (24/30)

12 Front Rack Lunges (95/135)

12 OAA Dumbell Snatches (55/70)

*10 minute cut-off*

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