RSVP To Class


Monday 1/9/17 WOD

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Happy Birthday Mom!


“Darsi’s Tabata Style Birthday”

You must complete 49 Reps of each movement, tabata style. So you go 20 seconds on, 10 second rest until you reach 49 reps then move on the the next movement. 

Thrusters (75/115)

Squat Cleans (75/115)

Power Snatch (75/115)

Shoulder 2 Overhead (75/115)



*Score is total Rounds it takes to complete all movements. Rx is 49 Rounds. 60 Round cut-off.(2 rds per minute, 60 rds=30 minutes)*

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Wednesday 1/4/17 WOD

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3 Sets of-

1(PAK + P@P + PAK Snatch Pull) + 1(Snatch Pull)

5 Sets of-

1(PAK Squat Snatch) + 1(Squat Snatch)

*Terms: PAK = Pause Above Knee; P@P = Pause At Power; Snatch Pull = Snatch without going Overhead/ pull Bar to breast height*


3 Rounds

40 Sit-ups

15 Power Snatch (75/115)

15 Handstand Push-ups

*12 minute cut-off. There is a lot to get to today so make sure you get in there and get stretched out/rolled out and get ready to go.*

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Saturday 12/31/16 WOD 

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Happy New Years! (Almost) 


AMRAP X 20:16

2016 lbs of Thrusters

2016 lbs of Snatch

2016 lbs of Clean and Jerks

*Choose any weight you want, you just have to accumulate 2016lbs of weight for each movement. Scores will be total Rounds and weight lifted on top of that.*

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