
Tuesday 7/4/17 WOD 

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Happy 4th of July!

Partner WOD 

2 Rounds

80 Cal Row

100 Partner Wallballs Tosses (20/30)

50 Partner Deadlifts (225/315)

30 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees

*30 minute cut-off. Split Cal row however you want, the partner Wallballs are 8 feet apart thruster motion launching the ball with an arch, partner Deadlifts if you want to Rx and you have a male female pair just load one side with 2 plates and the other with 3 otherwise try them out and scale accordingly, and on the synchroed Burpees you both just have to be on the ground at the same time before you get up for them to count. Have Fun!*

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Tuesday 6/27/17 WOD 

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AMRAP X 10 minutes

3 Muscle-Ups

6 Burpees 

9 Box Jumps (24/30)

-Rest 4 minutes-

AMRAP X 10 minutes

12 Pull-ups

15 Wallballs (20/30 @ 9/10ft)

18 Air Squats 

*2 Scores, at least 7 Rounds in the first and 5 Rounds in the second*

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