Author: Tanner Bland

Saturday 10/28/17 WOD

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Partner WOD 

AMRAP X 25 minutes

40 Partner Med Ball Sit-ups (20/30)

30 Partner Wallball Tosses (20/30)

20 Squat Cleans (105/155)

*For the med ball sit-ups you each have to do 40 sit-ups but while passing the med ball back and forth at the top of each sit-up, so each partner will do 20 sit-ups with the med ball and 20 unweighted sit-ups. For the Partner Wallballs, stand 8ft apart and do a Wallball shot to your partner, making sure it is sent in an arcing motion, those are total reps so each partner will do 15 Wallball shots. And finally the Squats Cleans may be split up however you see fit.*

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