Author: Tanner Bland
Saturday 3/17/18 WOD
Teams of 2:
AMRAP X 20 minutes
2 50ft Shuttle Sprints (1 each)
150 Double-unders
30 Power Cleans (95/135)
*Split reps up how you feel. Shuttle sprint is 25ft down and back.*
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So Castro does it again. Throws something at us that we may have speculated but really, never thought he’d do, handstand walks. Now in the test run I went through, you gotta be moving to even get to those handstand walks. Yea we’ve done Dianne (just a week or two ago) and we know how that goes, but it really gets hairy on that first set of 21 heavy deadlifts. Oh man it felt HEAVY. So in this workout it’s all about set management I think. Figure out how you want to break up your DL’s and get there. I went 6, 6, 5, 4 on my first set of 21 without much rest at all in between, if your planning on getting to that heavy weight those few extra breaths might make the difference. Same thing with the handstand push-ups, if you don’t feel confident in them, break them up right away and try to shorten your rest. By the way the new standard is a little more difficult so make sure you are flexing your feet at the top, pointing your toes down towards your chin, it’ll give you an extra half inch-inch clearance that you’ll need, especially when you start getting tired. A no rep on the handstand push-ups is not worth it so make sure your good before you come down. Judges, I would get in the habit of telling your athlete “good” every time they reach the proper height. If your able to finish Dianne in under 9 minutes you’ll get the opportunity to get into the heavy DL’s. Don’t freak out when you pick it up, keep good form and break them up in attainable sets. I went all 3’s for this one. And remember to breath! Your heart rate jacks way up there as soon as you start pulling those deads. Deep breaths and work your way through it. If you make it to the handstand walk, way to go! That’s no easy task. But make sure your kicking up with both hands behind the line and get past the 5ft mark with both hands. Good luck and have fun!
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